3. Indian Police – Corrupted ?

Indian Police.  Is Indian Police corrupted ?

Give me your input, if You are an Indian, have lived in India, dealt with the Indian Police or have heard stories on them.

My cognition is that hardly any one would come for their support. At one time or the other, we all had some terrific or horrifying experience with them. Well, some of you may differ in what I stated.

I, like most of you, had so many disappointing encounters at different times of life. So I got hurt and lost my sleep for years. But end of the day, I got enlightenment out of those episodes.

Indian police is not corrupt. But they work at a lower realm of consciousness. They are in lower emotions of consciousness what may be referred as –pataal loka . In fact any body who does not comply with the ethical standards, code of conduct in service or relationship is in sleep. He needs to be awakened.

I shall expand later on this…

2022 July 31

There is an overall change in the Indian Administrative system. Though still in transit, they have now an ear for you, your issues and concerns. Digital technology has brought this change. Traffic cops are very courteous now. But their training is limited. Two years back, I was given a ticket on Yellow light jump on an intersection. In Canada, you can quickly cross the intersection as long as it has not turned red. There lies the difference in cognising.